An activity feed would be incredibly useful on a global, shipment, customer, carrier, and user level. Ideally, admins would have the ability to see global activity. Acct Mgrs/Sales would be able to all activity on loads for their customers. Carrier Reps could see activity for all loads they're assigned to or all carriers they're assigned to. From here, we can build notifications. When a carrier rep submits a quote on a load, a notification is sent to the acct mgr as well as any other carrier rep who submitted a quote on that load. The ability to "subscribe" to certain loads would be ideal as we'd need extra visibility on hot shipments. Finally, integrating with email, slack, etc. would allow the user to set custom subscription preferences (notify via Slack for all new quotes or send an email for booked loads). Finally, exposing activities as API endpoints would allow for deep customization and automation. Examples include quote analysis by carrier or carrier rep, follow up thank you emails for shipments run or quotes to carriers, custom notifications on any channel to customers.